Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Scotland: Day One in Ayr

Brig o' Doon

We arrived in Glasgow this morning, sleep deprived and hungry, and drove to Ayr right away.

In Ayr, we stopped for tea and scones (of course), then visited the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, which includes the cottage where he was born, a 70-foot-high nine-pillared monument, gardens (yes, we stopped and smelled the roses), the 15th Century cobblestone Brig o' Doon, the Poet's Path walkway, Alloway Auld Kirk, and the museum.

It was interesting to walk through the cottage, and imagine how life there influenced Burns. For example, an aunt lived with the family, and she would tell him fanciful stories of witches and spirits, no doubt laying the groundwork for his epic poem Tam o' Shanter.

The Poet's Path walkway features a number of sculptures -- notably a huge version of Burns's "wee tim'rous beastie" and a stone haggis. 
Fred and I walked on Brig o' Doon, the famous bridge that provided the setting for Tam o' Shanter, one of Burns's most famous works. The narrow, arched footbridge is such an iconic landmark that it even features on £5 Scottish notes.

The museum had manuscripts, art, and lots of artefacts. One of the treasures is the "Kilmarnock Edition" of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, published on July 31, 1786 . It was the first volume of poetry and on to be written by the man who was later to become Scotland's National Bard. Another treasure was a chair that was made from wood taken from the Kilmarnock printing press, which produced the treasured volume.

Our Bed & Breakfast "Bythesea" is charming, and very comfortable. We weren't sure what to expect from Scotland, in terms of accommodations. But if this is any indication, we will be very pleased indeed. I'm already looking forward to the full Scottish breakfast tomorrow...

Kilmarnock Edition

Chair made from Kilmarnock printing press wood

Robert Burns (Jan. 25, 1759 - July 1796)


  1. Hurrah for RSS feeds. Have fun. And I'm in East Clare right now.

    1. How lovely, Jeremy! I hope you're having good weather -- it was gorgeous here today!
