Saturday, June 13, 2015

Quaint and pretty, everywhere you look

Yesterday, we explored the little towns around us. This is the bakery at Chambray. They were closed, but I stared through the window with great interest at a great array of beautiful pastries. 

The countryside is lovely, with gentle hills and lots of fields of grain and goodness knows what else. We had quite an adventure getting back to the house, as we had neglected to take the exact address with us for the GPS. The guidance system took us to the centre of Fontaine-sous-Jouy, but we weren't quite sure which edge of town we were supposed to be aiming for. 

As a result, we drove through lots of teensy streets and saw lots of charming buildings. Eventually we found the landmarks we needed to get home! 

Twisty is quite happy with us, and gave me enthusiastic headbonks and rubs. She curls up on the back of the couch near my head, and seems quite content with her temporary humans. We went out and said hi to Lancelot and the other horses. They enjoyed the distraction, then happily went back to grazing after we left. Lancelot is very popular -- the mares seem to love his company!

It's very restful at the house -- the constant birdsong is wonderfully soothing. At night the frogs sing for us. Today we are off to Rouen. More photos and tales tomorrow!


  1. Thank you for including me in your blog updates, Ruth.

  2. It looks just lovely there, Ruth. As always, your photos are stunning. I like the look of that little kitten but not, the mouse situation so much! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Deb! Kind comment about the photos. I didn't bring Photoshop, so everything is straight out of the camera! Twisty is adorable, isn't he!!

  4. Loving the pictures, you can feel the relaxation just look at them. The countryside looks so peaceful and beautiful!

  5. Great photos Ruth, I am enjoying the historical notes and your descriptions. Thanks!
